The Broderers’ Exhibition: The Art of Embroidery is an open-submission art exhibition, organised by the Worshipful Company of Broderers; one of the ancient Livery Companies of the City of London. It was formed to regulate the standard of embroidery, a major City trade in the Middle Ages.


The exhibition will showcase embroidery both as fine art in the modern sense, and also reflect the centuries of heritage which form the craft of embroidery today.


Embroidery is a precise skill and is, of course, very much in tune with the idea of ‘living slowly’. The exhibition will reflect the ideals of heritage, excellent precision and fine art all coming together in one place, and provide artists with a platform to gain exposure, display and sell their artwork and connect with art lovers.


Exhibitors range from established artists to emerging artists. All pieces are original and available for sale.


View the online catalogue
