Gerry Baptist RWS RE, The Falling Vase
Gerry Baptist RWS RE, The Green Shawl
Gerry Baptist RWS RE, The Head Scarf
June Berry RWS Hon. RE, The Lake, Winter Afternoon
Francis Bowyer PPRWS Hon. RE, End of the Day
Francis Bowyer PPRWS Hon. RE, Late Evening Walk
Francis Bowyer PPRWS Hon. RE, Sunset on the Blyth
Francis Bowyer PPRWS Hon. RE, Twilight on the Blyth River
Liz Butler RWS, Over Siberia
Liz Butler RWS, The Park Trees in June and July
Liz Butler RWS, The Park Trees in March
Jessica Jane Charleston Guest RWS, Bathroom Green
Jessica Jane Charleston Guest RWS, Belly Under the Tree
Jessica Jane Charleston Guest RWS, My Waterbaby
Jessica Jane Charleston Guest RWS, Picking Elderflowers
Michael Collins RWS, Buxton Landscape
Michael Collins RWS, Country Visit
Michael Collins RWS, Godfrey's Garden
Michael Collins RWS, Redhill Landscape
John Crossley VPRWS, Jig Jag Blues
John Crossley VPRWS, Let's Dance
Claire Denny RWS, Evening Garden
Claire Denny RWS, The Screen
Suzy Fasht RWS, Wild Flowers with a Poppy
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Evocation Window 11
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Evocations No 18
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Evocations No 7
Alessandra Genualdo Guest RWS, Isolation
Alessandra Genualdo Guest RWS, Marianne's Bedroom
David Hamilton RWS, Luftlanschaft
David Hamilton RWS, Over Mainland
David Hamilton RWS, Spent Tulips
Emma Haworth ARWS, Autumn Woods
Julie Held RWS, Temple Gardens
Sue Howells RWS, Autumn Springs Eternal
Sue Howells RWS, House and Lake, Brecon
Sue Howells RWS, Morning has Broken
Sue Howells RWS, Selfies and Snow Showers
Jim Hunter VPRWS, About Winspit
Jim Hunter VPRWS, Handfast
Wendy Jacob RWS, Coffee Pot and White Dahlias
Wendy Jacob RWS, Figs and Olives
Wendy Jacob RWS, Marbled Jug and Apricots
Wendy Jacob RWS, Yellow Tulips
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, Home Sweet Home
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, Midsummer 2020
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, The Last Nasturtium
Martin Leman RWS, Evening Flowers
Martin Leman RWS, Harbour View
Martin Leman RWS, Moon over the Lighthouse
Angie Lewin RWS RE, Green Jar with Red Berries and Feathers
Jane Lewis RWS, Dockland
Jane Lewis RWS, Spring Breeze
Anne Lynch RWS, Disconnected Memories 1
Anne Lynch RWS, Disconnected Memories 2
Anne Marlow RWS, A Midsummer Cushion
Anne Marlow RWS, A Square of Earth
Anne Marlow RWS, A Summer Meadow
Anne Marlow RWS, Field Flowers
Caroline McAdam Clark RWS, Ex Voto, Fishing Boat
Caroline McAdam Clark RWS, Memory Room
Caroline McAdam Clark RWS, Winter Solstice
Colin Merrin RWS, Before Crossing the River
Colin Merrin RWS, Group
Colin Merrin RWS, Interior
Colin Merrin RWS, The Way We Were
Michael Middleton RWS RE, A Day at the Seaside
Michael Middleton RWS RE, City Scene
Michael Middleton RWS RE, Dream of a Summer Night
Michael Middleton RWS RE, Fiesole
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Fantasy Lockdown Queue
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Lockdown Studio Personae
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Queue Redhead
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Queue Snack
Bridget Moore RWS, Howdy
Bridget Moore RWS, Washing on the Dene
John Newberry RWS, Corfu Diptych
John Newberry RWS, Evening Clouds, Deal Beach
John Newberry RWS, Fishing Boats, Walmer Beach
John Newberry RWS, Private View
Rika Newcombe RWS, Green Stylus I
Rika Newcombe RWS, Green Stylus No.2
Paul Newland RWS, Gardens SW8
Iain Nicholls ARWS, Elsecar Cropped Trees Study 1
Iain Nicholls ARWS, Elsecar Cropped Trees Study 2
Iain Nicholls ARWS, Elsecar Cropped Trees Study 3
Iain Nicholls ARWS, Elsecar Cropped Trees Study 4
Shanti Panchal Hon. RWS, Hwa In's Moon 2019
David Paskett PPRWS Hon. RE, Greek Island Mules (with Blue)
David Paskett PPRWS Hon. RE, Greek Island Mules (with Red)
David Paskett PPRWS Hon. RE, Handle - Bags of the Gods, No 1
David Paskett PPRWS Hon. RE, Lockdown Garden Temple
Simon Pierse RWS, Aurora (III)
Simon Pierse RWS, Aurora (V)
Geoffrey Pimlott RWS, Green Stripes on Yellow
Geoffrey Pimlott RWS, Red and White
Geoffrey Pimlott RWS, The Green Triangle
Geoffrey Pimlott RWS, Two Red Splashes
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, Captain Cook in London
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, Magical Machu Picchu, City in the Clouds
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, Snowy Dusk in the Langtang at Kyranjin Gumba, 3780m, Nepal
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, View from Sutton Bank and Lake Gomire, North Yorkshire
Thomas Plunkett PPRWS Hon. RE, Boy Fishing, Helford River, Cornwall
Thomas Plunkett PPRWS Hon. RE, Children Playing, Late Afternoon, Cornwall
Thomas Plunkett PPRWS Hon. RE, Girl Fishing, Helford River, Cornwall
Thomas Plunkett PPRWS Hon. RE, Wide Open Sky
Salliann Putman RWS, Golden Recollection
Salliann Putman RWS, Looking Out to the Future
Salliann Putman RWS, Online Duet
Salliann Putman RWS, Remembering the Blue Hills
Peter Quinn RWS, Bangkok Riverside
Peter Quinn RWS, Flags, Bangkok
Peter Quinn RWS, Street Food Stalls, Bangkok
Barbara Rae RA Hon. RWS
Mark Raggett RWS, Carn Llidi
Mark Raggett RWS, Coastal Path
Mark Raggett RWS, From Porth y Rhaw
Mark Raggett RWS, Small Abstract
Robin Richmond RWS, Aquitaine - A Walk in the Forest, After Lockdown, France
Robin Richmond RWS, Rose, Lockdown Garden VI
Robin Richmond RWS, Rouffiac, Woods and Water I - Memory
Stuart Robertson RWS, Notre Dame de Paris
Stuart Robertson RWS, Still Life with Cactus
Stuart Robertson RWS, The Acrobats
Sula Rubens RWS, Boy at Water's Edge
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, Birdfeeder
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, Gallery
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, Lost
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, Sweets
Lisa Traxler RWS, Safety Net Home 1
Lisa Traxler RWS, Safety Net Home 2
Lisa Traxler RWS, Safety Net Home 3
Alexander Vorobyev RWS, Dandelions Blossoming Time
Alexander Vorobyev RWS, Flight of the Fly
Alexander Vorobyev RWS, New God
Alexander Vorobyev RWS, Spanish Horsemen
James Faure Walker RWS, Conversation
James Faure Walker RWS, Ethodyne
James Faure Walker RWS, Interrupted Bath
James Faure Walker RWS, Motorola
Charles Williams PRWS, If I Were A Sculptor
Charles Williams PRWS, If I Were A Sculptor (And I Had A Dog)
Charles Williams PRWS, If I Were A Sculptor (Green)
Charles Williams PRWS, If I Were A Sculptor (Green, with Dog)
Annie Williams RWS RE, Bamboo
Annie Williams RWS RE, Pots
Annie Williams RWS RE, View from the Shed
Gertie Young RWS, Caravan at the Edge of the World
Gertie Young RWS, Old Queens Sailing By
Gertie Young RWS, Take Two Birds
Gertie Young RWS, Walking Home with Skylab