Ade Adesina RE, Daybreak
Ade Adesina RE, Fruits de Mer.... Collaboration Ade Adesina/David Mach
Ade Adesina RE, Hush
Ade Adesina RE, Town Crier
Emiko Aida RE, Jakucyu's Rooster
Emiko Aida RE, Revive - Four Tomatoes
Margaret Ashman RE, Junan
Margaret Ashman RE, Meditation 1
Margaret Ashman RE, Meditation 2
Robert Baggaley RE, Arch
Robert Baggaley RE, Industrial Landscape 2
Robert Baggaley RE, St Agnes
Robert Baggaley RE, Waste Ground
Gerry Baptist RWS RE, Something lost in Translation Herr Professor Nietzsche?
Gerry Baptist RWS RE, Who is more real Doctor Freud, you or me?
Dale Devereux Barker RE, A Bigger Lunch
Dale Devereux Barker RE, Everyday Flowers III
Dale Devereux Barker RE, Impromptu Gift XIV
Mychael Barratt PPRE Hon. RWS, Aubrey Beardsley's Dog
Mychael Barratt PPRE Hon. RWS, Cyril Power's Dog
Mychael Barratt PPRE Hon. RWS, Sybil Andrews' Dog
Mychael Barratt PPRE Hon. RWS, Yayoi Kusama's Dog
Jo Barry RE, A Glint of Jewels
Jo Barry RE, Dark Wintry Bed
Jo Barry RE, Privacy of Winter
Jo Barry RE, The Glory and the Dreams
Melanie Bellis RE, St Paul's
Melanie Bellis RE, St Paul's Cathedral
June Berry RWS Hon. RE, The House Behind the Church
Christie Bird RWS, Mackerel Table with Lilies
Christie Bird RWS, Morning Hyacinths
Christie Bird RWS, Morning Table with Figs
Mark Ragnvald Bletcher Student RE, The Chessmen Ride West
Jeremy Blighton RE, Early Morning at the Market
Jeremy Blighton RE, Live Music
Jeremy Blighton RE, Solo
Jeremy Blighton RE, To the Light
Laura Boswell ARE, Patchwork Fields, Bilsdale
Laura Boswell ARE, Rhubarb Sky, Hawnby
Laura Boswell ARE, Road to Rosedale
Laura Boswell ARE, Snow on the Moors along to Hawnby
Gail Brodholt RE, Faraway Suburbs
Gail Brodholt RE, Going Underground II
Janet Brooke RE, Rottingdean Morning x 2
Janet Brooke RE, Rottingdean Morning x 3
Janet Brooke RE, St Pauls Through the Trees
Liz Butler RWS, Agapanthus at the Chelsea Physic Garden
Liz Butler RWS, Walking in the Silence of the Snow
Corinna Button RE, The Peep Of Dawn
Corinna Button RE, Thinking About Larkin
Corinna Button RE, Window (Sepia)
Corinna Button RE, Zooming
Daphne Casdagli RE, Meditation
Daphne Casdagli RE, Reclining Life
Daphne Casdagli RE, Yonder Sunset
Paul Catherall RE, Barbican Grey
Paul Catherall RE, Goldfinger I
Paul Catherall RE, National Grey
Paul Catherall RE, National Magenta
Ian Chamberlain RE, Mirror Study
Ian Chamberlain RE, Sat. Study I
Ian Chamberlain RE, Sat.IV
Jessica Jane Charleston Guest RWS, Grow
Jessica Jane Charleston Guest RWS, Milk stains
Jessica Jane Charleston Guest RWS, Mother and child (The Night Garden)
Jessica Jane Charleston Guest RWS, Woman & Son
Julie D. Cooper RWS, Applauding
Julie D. Cooper RWS, Sundown
Blaze Cyan RE, Croft Castle II
Blaze Cyan RE, Croft Castle III
Hilary Daltry RE, Basket of Pomegranates
Hilary Daltry RE, Seven Lemons
Louise Davies RE, Fading Light
Louise Davies RE, Northern Lights
Louise Davies RE, Summer Dawn
Claire Denny RWS, Garden Walk
Claire Denny RWS, Trees and Flowerbeds on a Warm Afternoon
Claire Denny RWS, Welsh Landscape with Trees
Anne Desmet RA RE, Architectural Salvage, Hoxton
Anne Desmet RA RE, Monochrome Memory
Anne Desmet RA RE, Urban Castle
Paul Dewis Guest RE, Fenced In
Paul Dewis Guest RE, Fenced In II
John Duffin RWS RE, Another Arrival - King's Cross St Pancras Station
John Duffin RWS RE, Arrival - King's Cross St Pancras Station
Gordon Ellis-Brown ARE, Angeni I (Soul Shaker)
Gordon Ellis-Brown ARE, Mayaimis (Soul Shaker)
Gordon Ellis-Brown ARE, They Died With Their Boots On
Gordon Ellis-Brown ARE, Untitled VI (Space)
Marianne Ferm RE, Mersea Less II
Marianne Ferm RE, Notes from the Bush
Marianne Ferm RE, Waiting for the Rains
David Ferry PRE, Cacti Garden 17
David Ferry PRE, Cacti Garden 18
David Ferry PRE, Standing Stones 11
David Ferry PRE, Standing Stones 14
Peter Ford RE, Burning Question
Peter Ford RE, Committee Men
Peter Ford RE, Relations
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Nostalgia 21
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Nostalgia 22
Veta Gorner RE, Odd Topography
Veta Gorner RE, West Wind
Rachel Gracey RE, Point Montara
Terence Gravett ARE, Chenies
Terence Gravett ARE, Levens
Terence Gravett ARE, Westpark
Michelle Griffiths VPRE, Synchronicity I
Michelle Griffiths VPRE, Synchronicity II
Michelle Griffiths VPRE, The Connection Is Made II
Michelle Griffiths VPRE, The Connection Is Made III
Jemma Gunning RE, The British Industrial Estate II
Jemma Gunning RE, The British Industrial Estate IV
David Hamilton RWS, Gordale Scar
David Hamilton RWS, Inholmes Wood 2
David Hamilton RWS, Malham Tree
Brian Hanscomb RE, Fight
Brian Hanscomb RE, Invasion
Brian Hanscomb RE, Three Daffodils
Paul Hawdon RE, Breve fu la tranquilità
Paul Hawdon RE, Rain approaching Isola Madre-Lake Maggiore
Paul Hawdon RE, Untitled
Paul Hawdon RE, Untitled
Louise Hayward RE, Brutal London
Louise Hayward RE, On the Underground
Ben Hendy RE, Masquerader
Sarah Holliday RWS, Day Moon
Sarah Holliday RWS, Our Place
Sarah Holliday RWS, Sea Birds
Sarah Holliday RWS, Sea Sounds
Sue Howells RWS, Autumn Springs eternal
Sue Howells RWS, Our Favourite Time
Sue Howells RWS, Summer Solstice
Wendy Jacob RWS, A Couple of Chairs
Wendy Jacob RWS, Four Pears in a Box
Wendy Jacob RWS, Mug and Canister
Wendy Jacob RWS, Terrace
Katherine Jones RA RWS RE, Blossom
Katherine Jones RA RWS RE, Lesson
Karen Keogh RE, Over the Hills and Far Away
Karen Keogh RE, Southern Sunrise
Karen Keogh RE, Summer Days
Karen Keogh RE, The Red Barn
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, Summer Moon
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, The Casserole
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, The Granddaughter
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, The Thank-you Flowers
Linda Landers RE, America - A Prophecy
Linda Landers RE, So Quietly Luna Plays
Martin Langford RE, Magician
Martin Langford RE, No Man's Land
Stephen Lawlor RE, In Dreams (Xin)
Stephen Lawlor RE, The Queen
Lisa Chang Lee RE, Serenade of the Woods
Lisa Chang Lee RE, Window Concerto
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, Fuschias
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, Lucky Black Cat
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, Seagull
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, St Ives Forget-me-nots
Martin Leman RWS, Cornwall
Martin Leman RWS, Distant Lights
Angie Lewin RWS RE, Spotted Leaf
Angie Lewin RWS RE, Teabowl with Garden Seedheads
Jane Lewis RWS, Split Screen
Jane Lewis RWS, Stay Inside
Jane Lewis RWS, Swing it High
Jane Lewis RWS, Twilight
David Lintine ARE, Knightshayers Court Interior
Peter Lloyd RE, Corn Row and the Attack of the Hair Straighteners
Peter Lloyd RE, M.O.B. (A Tribute to Emory Douglas)
Anne Lynch RWS, Preparing with Care
Caroline Macey RE, Divide and Rule
Caroline Macey RE, Pandora's Box
Julia Manning RE, My Garden Moths, Poplar Hawkmoth
Sasa Marinkov RE, Meadow Brown
Sasa Marinkov RE, On the Water
Anne Marlow RWS, A Yew Tree Walk
Anne Marlow RWS, The Overgrown Path
Sonia Martin RE, On the March
Sonia Martin RE, Somewhere
Flora Mclachlan RE, Fields
Flora Mclachlan RE, Horses Bathing
Flora Mclachlan RE, The Unicorn Enclosed
Flora Mclachlan RE, Unicorn
Colin Merrin RWS, Hunters
Colin Merrin RWS, Man Dog
Colin Merrin RWS, Return of the Native
Colin Merrin RWS, Tomorrow
Michael Middleton RWS RE, Backing on to Hilly Fields
Michael Middleton RWS RE, Beehives near Collioure
Michael Middleton RWS RE, Bookcase and Mirror
Michael Middleton RWS RE, Three Gardens
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Girl B&Q Queue
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Hair Appointment
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Hat B&Q Queue
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Portrait B&Q Queue
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Smiles B&Q Queue
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Stripes in B&Q Queue
Bridget Moore RWS, Hoop
Bridget Moore RWS, Lady with a Bird on her Head
Stephen Mumberson RE, Hackney Gardens
Stephen Mumberson RE, In Cars
Stephen Mumberson RE, The Bright Face Gang
Stephen Mumberson RE, The Outsider
John Newberry RWS, Bol Brac Croatia
John Newberry RWS, Kyrenia Harbour North Cyprus
John Newberry RWS, Mont Blanc from Chamonix
John Newberry RWS, Windsor Castle from Eton
Rika Newcombe RWS, Garden in April 2020
Rika Newcombe RWS, Garden in April 2020 no.2
Rika Newcombe RWS, Terra V
Jackie Newell RE, Reflections of Spring during Lockdown 2020 number 1
Jackie Newell RE, Reflections of Spring during Lockdown 2020 number 2
Jackie Newell RE, Reflections of Spring during Lockdown 2020 number 3
Jackie Newell RE, Reflections of Spring during Lockdown 2020 number 4
Iain Nicholls ARWS, Elsecar Cropped Trees Study 1
Iain Nicholls ARWS, Elsecar Cropped Trees Study 2
Iain Nicholls ARWS, Elsecar Cropped Trees Study 3
Iain Nicholls ARWS, Elsecar Cropped Trees Study 4
Sumi Perera RE, Plato's Box
Sumi Perera RE, Pointless Wordplay
Sumi Perera RE, Rebuilding the Unbuilt [A Block]
Simon Pierse RWS, Aurora (IX)
Simon Pierse RWS, Aurora (XII)
Richard Pikesley RWS, Bathers and Boats, Lyme Regis
Richard Pikesley RWS, Paddlers, Lyme Regis
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, Assyrian Lion Palace
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, Ganesh Pol Gateway, Amber Fort, Jaipur, India
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, Patterns of Mespotamia
Trevor Price RE, Breaking Waves
Trevor Price RE, Storm Waves II
Trevor Price RE, Storm Waves II
Trevor Price RE, The Beech Wood
Salliann Putman RWS, Frensham 1
Salliann Putman RWS, Frensham 2
Salliann Putman RWS, On the Beach
Salliann Putman RWS, Summer Fields
Peter Quinn RWS, Rouen, Bookshop
Mark Raggett RWS, Coast IV
Mark Raggett RWS, Shoreline
Mark Raggett RWS, Towards Ramsey
Paul Regan RWS, Allotment V
Paul Regan RWS, Meandering I
Martin Ridgwell RE, Between Two Worlds
Martin Ridgwell RE, First Kiss
Stuart Robertson RWS, Bauhaus 3
Stuart Robertson RWS, London Café 1
Stuart Robertson RWS, Mies Van Dee Rohe
Stuart Robertson RWS, Portals Lisboa 2
Sula Rubens RWS, Donkey with a Young Goat
Sula Rubens RWS, Mountain Girl with Horse
Margaret Sellars RE, Tata Blue
Margaret Sellars RE, Tata Gold
Nana Shiomi RE, Shape of God, Kirifuri From Hokusai
Nana Shiomi RE, Shape of God, Ono From Hokusai
Nana Shiomi RE, Tea Bowl Universe
Nana Shiomi RE, White Hexagon Tea Bowl
Peter S. Smith RE, British Museum (Engraving by Peter S Smith RE after a drawing by Frank Kiely RE)
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, A Selfie on the Coastal Path
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, Salt Marsh
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, Three People Climbing a Cliff
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, Two Ladies in Verona
Paul Thirkell RE, Burst
Paul Thirkell RE, Don't You Wish You Were in this Place Again
Paul Thirkell RE, Elemental
Lisa Traxler RWS, Safety Net 8
Lisa Traxler RWS, Safety Net 9
Bren Unwin PPRE Hon. RWS, Pathway through
Bren Unwin PPRE Hon. RWS, Rip Tide
Bren Unwin PPRE Hon. RWS, Wintered Ash
Bren Unwin PPRE Hon. RWS, Wintered Ash II
Joao Villas Student RE, Earthworm
Alexander Vorobyev RWS, Mountain
Alexander Vorobyev RWS, Pear No 1
Alexander Vorobyev RWS, The City Of Sun
Alexander Vorobyev RWS, The Green Idol
Frans Wesselman RE, Hampi Ferry
Frans Wesselman RE, Lunch Time
Charles Williams PRWS, Louise Bourgeois Painting
Charles Williams PRWS, The Attentives
Charles Williams PRWS, The Dogs Of Form
Charles Williams PRWS, Tony
Annie Williams RWS RE, Late Spring Primroses
Roy Willingham RE, Celle Arch
Roy Willingham RE, Southwark Arch
Judy Willoughby RE, Fulcrum
Judy Willoughby RE, Shift
Wai Wong ARE, Weeds 2
Gertie Young RWS, Cat under the Influence of Angels
Gertie Young RWS, Low Tide at Whitstable
Gertie Young RWS, Mudlarking Treasures
Gertie Young RWS, Snails with Auriculas
Past exhibition