June Berry RWS, Gulls In The Park
Akash Bhatt RWS, Window Parakeet
Dennis Roxby Bott RWS, Cheapside
Dennis Roxby Bott RWS, Chichester Terrace, Brighton
Dennis Roxby Bott RWS, Fort in the Solent
Dennis Roxby Bott RWS, The Church of St. Peter and St.Paul, Ewhurst
Francis Bowyer PPRWS Hon. RE, Buoys
Francis Bowyer PPRWS Hon. RE, By the Harbour, Southwold
Francis Bowyer PPRWS Hon. RE, Do not Throw Stones
Francis Bowyer PPRWS Hon. RE, Please Keep Out
Liz Butler RWS, Jane at the Allotments
Liz Butler RWS, Study of Trampoline at the Allotments
Liz Butler RWS, Winter at the Allotments
Liz Butler RWS, Winter, Late Afternoon at the Allotments
Noah Carter Guest RWS, Ficus Elastica
Noah Carter Guest RWS, Spider Plant IV
Chloe Cheese RWS, After the Party
Chloe Cheese RWS, Outside the Frari
Jione Choi Guest RWS, Winds of Spring
Caroline McAdam Clark RWS, Across to Skye
Caroline McAdam Clark RWS, Ancient Hulk
Caroline McAdam Clark RWS, Crossing the Pacific
Caroline McAdam Clark RWS, Lamb Adrift
Julie D. Cooper RWS, Lark
Julie D. Cooper RWS, Sandbox
Julie D. Cooper RWS, Squall
Jane Corsellis RWS, Autumn Beach Aldeburgh
Jane Corsellis RWS, San Trevoso Venice
Jane Corsellis RWS, St Giorgio Maggiore Venice
Bliss Coulthard Guest RWS, Between Us
Bliss Coulthard Guest RWS, Ghost
Bliss Coulthard Guest RWS, Golden Gloves
Bliss Coulthard Guest RWS, Mirror Dance
Paul Cox RWS, Portrait Pavilion Charing Cross Road
Paul Cox RWS, Wyndhams Theatre Charing Cross Road
John Crossley VPRWS, Bobbing Along
John Crossley VPRWS, Candy Floss A Go Go
Claire Denny RWS, Into the Woods
Claire Denny RWS, Landscape Earthworks
Claire Denny RWS, Stairway at Iford Manor Garden
Claire Denny RWS, The Walled Garden at Broughton Grange.
John Duffin RWS RE, Marylebone Station
John Duffin RWS RE, National Theatre - Red Night
John Duffin RWS RE, Records
Ned Elliott Guest RWS, Crocus
Ned Elliott Guest RWS, Mysterious Flower
Mark Entwisle RWS, Landing Light
Mark Entwisle RWS, Poppies
Mark Entwisle RWS, Velazquez Postcard
Suzy Fasht RWS, Conference of the Birds
Suzy Fasht RWS, Tu Bishvat - New Year for the Trees
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Timeless Close Up
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Timeless Glance
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Timeless Glimpse
Janet Golphin RWS, Lilies with Fan
Raina Goran ARWS, Sunset over Tower Bridge
Isla Hackney RWS, Breezy Afternoon
Isla Hackney RWS, Evening Tide
Isla Hackney RWS, Watching the Waves
Olive Haigh Guest RWS, Globe 1
Olive Haigh Guest RWS, Globe 2
David Hamilton RWS, Bugatti
David Hamilton RWS, Rapide
David Hamilton RWS, Tango
David Hamilton RWS, Trio
Frances Hatch ARWS, Sunrise over Bincleaves. Portland Harbour, Dorset
Frances Hatch ARWS, Tangerine Dream. Spring. East Hill, Corfe Castle
Sarah Holliday RWS, Spring Walk along the Chalk Cliffs
Sarah Holliday RWS, The Hiss of the Receding Waves
Sarah Holliday RWS, The Light Beyond the Breakwater
Sarah Holliday RWS, Winter's Sun through the Pine Trees
Sue Howells RWS, Fragile Winter
Sue Howells RWS, Kinda Blue
Sue Howells RWS, Town and Country
Sue Howells RWS, Winter's Tale
Yellon Ran Huang ARWS, London Night
Jim Hunter VPRWS, Around Anvil Point
Jim Hunter VPRWS, Coast Landscape
Jim Hunter VPRWS, Tilly Whim
Jim Hunter VPRWS, To Tilly Whim
Jonathan Huxley RWS, Domestic
Jonathan Huxley RWS, Legionnaire
Jonathan Huxley RWS, Park
Davina Jackson ARWS, Bending over the Waves
Davina Jackson ARWS, Figures on the Beach
Davina Jackson ARWS, Mother and child
Davina Jackson ARWS, Touching the Water
Wendy Jacob RWS, On the Shelf
Wendy Jacob RWS, Peony Buds and a Small Jug
Wendy Jacob RWS, Still Life in Winter
Wendy Jacob RWS, Three Green Pears
Martin Jacobs ARWS, River Walk
Sophie Knight RWS, Couple on a Walk, Hot Dry Day, Cornwall
Sophie Knight RWS, Glass Bottles with Modigliani at the Cafe
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, Anemones
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, Coastal Memories
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, Sea Window
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, Spring Morning
Martin Leman RWS, By the Lake
Martin Leman RWS, Jarman Cottage
Martin Leman RWS, Straight Road
Jane Lewis RWS, Anvil
Jane Lewis RWS, Fly Beneath
Anne Lynch RWS, Can I Trust You (with My World)?
Anne Lynch RWS, Protecting You
Lucy Marks ARWS, Rain Approaching
Lucy Marks ARWS, The Copse
Lucy Marks ARWS, Towards the Sea
Anne Marlow RWS, Woven into the Franciscan Habit
Colin Merrin RWS, A Sour Joke of Existence
Colin Merrin RWS, Try and Bloody Stop Me
Michael Middleton RWS RE, California Dreaming
Michael Middleton RWS RE, Garden and Farmland
Michael Middleton RWS RE, Holiday in Cornwall
Michael Middleton RWS RE, Trio
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Centre Court - Alcaraz
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Jamie Cullum - Spring
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Nile Traders
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Triathletes
Bridget Moore RWS, Cowboy in the Door
Bridget Moore RWS, On the Downs
John Newberry RWS, Lemons
John Newberry RWS, Persimmon
John Newberry RWS, The Lock Abingdon
Rika Newcombe RWS, Florilegium IX
Olivia Adamczyk O'Sullivan ARWS, Looks like Snow, Barnsley Road
Olivia Adamczyk O'Sullivan ARWS, Recycling Plant from Train, SE14
Olivia Adamczyk O'Sullivan ARWS, Spring Tide on Worthing Beach
Olivia Adamczyk O'Sullivan ARWS, Tunnel at Cold Blow Lane #4
Shanti Panchal Hon. RWS, The Guest
David Paskett PPRWS Hon. RE, Guizhou Dong Villager
David Paskett PPRWS Hon. RE, Origins of some Pieces
David Paskett PPRWS Hon. RE, San Romano Return Match
David Paskett PPRWS Hon. RE, Shellfishing Still Life, China
Tessa Pearson ARWS, Beneath the Yukka 2
Tessa Pearson ARWS, Gazebo Roses
Tessa Pearson ARWS, Magical Dawn Cactus Garden
Simon Pierse RWS, Camel Rock, New Mexico
Simon Pierse RWS, Evening in Rishikesh
Richard Pikesley RWS, Big Old Sky, Dorset
Richard Pikesley RWS, Frome in Spate, Evening
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, Diaz Beach and Cape point from the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, Dusk at Brandberg White Lady Lodge camp, Namibia
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, Dusk on the Okavango River, Namibia
Thomas Plunkett PPRWS Hon. RE, National Gallery II
Thomas Plunkett PPRWS Hon. RE, National Gallery Interior I
Thomas Plunkett PPRWS Hon. RE, National Gallery Interior III
Thomas Plunkett PPRWS Hon. RE, National Gallery Interior IV
Salliann Putman RWS, Field Patterns
Salliann Putman RWS, Pink Landscape
Salliann Putman RWS, Towards the Blue Hills
Salliann Putman RWS, Yellow Fields
Peter Quinn RWS, Frying Fish, Mahebourg, Mauritius
Peter Quinn RWS, Market Customer, Rodrigues
Mark Raggett RWS, Dora's Garden, Ebrington, Easter
Mark Raggett RWS, Peninsula
Mark Raggett RWS, Porthclais
Mark Raggett RWS, St. David's Head
Paul Regan RWS, Jewellery Shop Window, Manhattan
Paul Regan RWS, Morandi, Tate Modern
Paul Regan RWS, Warhol on the Northern Line
Paul Regan RWS, Warhol, Tate Modern
Robin Richmond RWS, Beachcombing on a Stormy Day, Costa Rica
Robin Richmond RWS, Tianguis, Aztec Market, Mexico
Sula Rubens RWS, Friends
Sula Rubens RWS, Study - Two Boys holding a Football
Linda Saul RWS, The Winding Road
Linda Saul RWS, View over Húnaflói II
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, A Knowing Smile
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, A Young Woman and her Mother
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, Holiday
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, Two Women Walking and Laughing
Lisa Traxler RWS, Form Ascending (triptych)
James Faure Walker RWS, Norwich Study 1
James Faure Walker RWS, Norwich Study 2
Charles Williams PRWS, Askance
Charles Williams PRWS, Inspired and Dubious
Annie Williams RWS RE, Five Pots
Annie Williams RWS RE, Mid-Summer Still Life
Annie Williams RWS RE, Still Life with Pink and Blue
David Wiseman ARWS, Dartmoor River Rushing by
David Wiseman ARWS, Rocky River Dartmoor
David Wiseman ARWS, Woodland Water Abergavenny
Gertie Young RWS, Birthday Tea
Gertie Young RWS, Geese Returning to Norwood Lake
Gertie Young RWS, Just in Time for Starters
Gertie Young RWS, Taxi to the Airport
RWS Spring 2025
Current exhibition