- Suzy Fasht RWS, A Magical Garden
- Wendy Jacob RWS, Aloe Principis
- Chloe Fremantle RWS, Artichoke Q
- Chloe Fremantle RWS, Artichokes Trilogy 39/30/31
- Louise Davies RE, August Evening in the Garden
- Suzy Fasht RWS, Bees Love Flowers, Flowers Love Bees
- Emiko Aida RE, Breeze in Apothecary Garden
- Rachel Gracey RE, Canna Lily Yellow
- Blaze Cyan RE, Catalpa & the Rose
- Mark Raggett RWS, Chelsea Physic Garden. Hazy Summer's Day
- Mark Raggett RWS, Chelsea Physic Garden. June 2020 (I)
- Mark Raggett RWS, Chelsea Physic Garden. June 2020 (II)
- Blaze Cyan RE, Corvus
- Liz Butler RWS, Dappled Sunlight
- Louise Davies RE, Dawn in the Garden
- Claire Denny RWS, Digitalis Sceptrum in the Cool Fernery
- Annie Williams RWS RE, Enjoying the Shade
- Chloe Fremantle RWS, Evocation: Flower Beds & Artichokes
- Chloe Fremantle RWS, Evocation: Mixed Flower Beds
- Wendy Jacob RWS, Examining the Specimens
- Chloe Fremantle RWS, Fig Tree Foursome 77/67/76/44
- Blaze Cyan RE, Hans Sloane
- Julie Held RWS, Incidental
- Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, June Flowers
- Suzy Fasht RWS, Late Summer Garden
- Mark Raggett RWS, Lemon Tree Study. I
- Mark Raggett RWS, Lemon Tree Study. II
- Mark Raggett RWS, Lemon Tree Study. III
- Julie Held RWS, Life Science
- Suzy Fasht RWS, Medicinal and Healing Plants
- Louise Davies RE, Moonlight Garden
- Meg Dutton RE, Night Garden
- Annie Williams RWS RE, One Day in June
- Blaze Cyan RE, Palm
- Blaze Cyan RE, Palm Walk
- Meg Dutton RE, Part of the Glasshouse.
- Blaze Cyan RE, Picave
- Chloe Fremantle RWS, Pigeon & Artichokes R
- Emiko Aida RE, Pink Light
- Julie Held RWS, Pond
- Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, Quiet Place
- Louise Davies RE, Secret Garden
- Meg Dutton RE, Snowdrops
- Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, Spring
- Karen Keogh RE, Summer Poppies
- Meg Dutton RE, Sunflowers
- Karen Keogh RE, The Cork Tree
- Karen Keogh RE, The Flame Tree
- Louise Davies RE, The Garden of Lost Secrets
- Karen Keogh RE, This Dream Budded Bright
- Wendy Jacob RWS, Tropical Chelsea
- Meg Dutton RE, Tropical Corridor
- Liz Butler RWS, Under the Bay Tree
- Liz Butler RWS, Under the Olive Tree
- Annie Williams RWS RE, Under the Tree
- Meg Dutton RE, Views of the Garden
- Karen Keogh RE, Waking in Winter
- Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, Watering
- Emiko Aida RE, White Flower 1
- Emiko Aida RE, White Flower 2
- Emiko Aida RE, White Flower 3
- Emiko Aida RE, White Flower 4
- Louise Davies RE, Winter in the Garden