James Faure Walker RWS, A Doodlin’ Song
Denis Ryan RWS, A Shooting in Dallas
Michelle Griffiths RE, After Shocks
Liz Butler RWS, After the Rain, Langdale
John Duffin RWS RE, Bar Italia
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, Breakfast
Gail Brodholt RE, By the Light of the Moon
Wendy Jacob RWS, Cacti
Thomas Plunkett PPRWS Hon. RE, Classical Gardens at Luton Hoo I
Mark Raggett RWS, Cliffs at Abereiddy
John Crossley VPRWS, Clyde's Jive
Michelle Griffiths RE, Conundrum
Blaze Cyan RE, Croft Castle I
Blaze Cyan RE, Croft Castle V
Michelle Griffiths RE, Distinguishing Marks
Gertie Young RWS, Diva, Rising
Denis Ryan RWS, Friday 22nd November 1963, The Assassination of President Kennedy
Michael Middleton RWS RE, From the Railway...
Liz Butler RWS, Garden at the Fujiya I
Liz Butler RWS, Garden at the Fujiya III
Thomas Plunkett PPRWS Hon. RE, Gatehouse, Seville
Mychael Barratt PPRE Hon. RWS, Gormley's dog
Mychael Barratt PPRE Hon. RWS, Gormley's dog II
Annie Williams RWS RE, Hellebores
Michael Middleton RWS RE, Insel Rugen and Sand Dunes
Liz Butler RWS, Laguna Veneta
Salliann Putman RWS, Last Light
John Crossley VPRWS, Let the sunshine in
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, Lois on my Knee
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, Making Cupcakes
Louise Davies RE, Moonlight over the Moors
Gertie Young RWS, Nesting
Mychael Barratt PPRE Hon. RWS, Richmond Park - Winter, after Bruegel
Michelle Griffiths RE, Right or Wrong
John Crossley VPRWS, Shuffle Hop
Gail Brodholt RE, Some High Lonely Tow'r
Louise Davies RE, Spanish Grove
Gertie Young RWS, Summer Promise
Louise Davies RE, Summer Shorelines
June Berry RWS Hon. RE, The Little Vinyard in Early Spring
John Crossley VPRWS, The Seacher
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, The Storm
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, The Tiny Baby
Salliann Putman RWS, Warm Hills
Blaze Cyan RE, Wellington Woods
Blaze Cyan RE, Wellington Woods II
Mark Raggett RWS, Welsh Landscape