Peter Lloyd RE

Since graduating from the Royal College of Art in 2000, where he received the Augustus Martin award and a British Airways travel scholarship, Peter has shown and is collected widely in the UK, Germany, Calgary, Korea and the USA. Well known for his screen printed Mexican wrestler images, his current body of work explores black culture and the diverse world of Afrofuturism thorough the pop culture lens of the super hero. Primarily trained as a traditional Fine Art Printmaker, Peter's practice has extended to include and experiment with emerging digital technologies and materials.


In addition to his practice Peter also has a strong academic profile, which is supported by a wide range of published written pieces and conference appearances. He is currently a steering group member of the Illustration Research group, an international network of academics dedicated to promoting the cultural significance of illustration, and to creating opportunities to share research across defined disciplines and geographical borders. He is an Editor on the Journal of Illustration, which encourages new critical thinking and writing on illustration and associated types of visual communication. He is also an Editorial Board Member on the Message journal; the aim of this journal is to explore and challenge the boundaries of visual communication within art and design. During his academic career Peter has been invited to present papers in the UK, France, Krakow, Estonia, China and the USA


Peter is based in Winchester, UK and is the Dean of the School of Art & Design and Fashion at Solent University in Southampton, UK. In addition to his home recognition as a Professor of Visual Arts, he is also a visiting professor at Shanghai Institute Technology and the prestigious China Academy of Art, Shanghai.