Across the Dicotyledon Beds
Across the Estuary
Broughton Grange Garden Beds
Broughton Grange Glasshouse
Broughton Grange Glasshouse Benches
Chelsea Physic Garden Glasshouse
Dicotyledon Beds, Chelsea Physic Garden
Digitalis Sceptrum in the Cool Fernery
Hercules in the wood
Into the Woods
Landscape Earthworks
Moonlit Garden
Sir Hans Sloane, Chelsea Physic Garden
Stairway at Iford Manor Garden
Strelitzia in the Tropical Greenhouse
The Great Terrace at Iford Manor Garden
The Greek Sarcophagus at Iford Manor Garden
The Old Chestnut
The Stairway at Iford Manor Garden
The Walled Garden at Broughton Grange.
Tree Ferns
Tree Sketch
Welsh Hillside
Winter Oak
Winter Tree Sketch