A Large Amount of Different People
Aunty Megan and Rosy
Aunty with Scot
Blue Horse
Bunch Of Bears
Bunch of Bears
Clare with Scot
Dogboy V2
Grand Designs: Snow Flurry
Green Towel
Herd V2
Herd V2
Horse V3
If I Were A Sculptor
If I Were A Sculptor (And I Had A Dog)
If I Were A Sculptor (Green)
If I Were A Sculptor (Green, with Dog)
In the Night
In the Summer Field
Inspired and Dubious
Legs and Dogs
Legs and Small Dog
Little Brown Dog
Louise Bourgeois Painting
Ma with Roger
Malcolm's Doe
Monkeys with Lemon
Nathan with Roger
Parka Man
Pensive Santa
Pink Bear
Pink Dog and Golden Ply
Pink Dog and Golden Pony
Pink Dog and Monkey
Preening Pigeon V1
Preening Pigeon V2
Profile of Santa
Rachel with Scot
Red Dog
Romantic Ruin
Santa Man-bun
Small Bear
Small Bear
Spotty Jeggings
Standing Bear V4
Still Life with Clock
Still Life with Flowers & Bananas
Sun with Balloons
Tea-time Boys
Teenage Pinocchio
The Attentives
The Dogs Of Form
The End of the Meal
Three Faces
Two Dogs
Two Red Bears
Uncle Steve with Roger