Bankside Gallery is the home of the Royal Watercolour Society (RWS) and the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (RE). There are over 200 artists across both societies whose work demonstrates the very best in contemporary water-based media and original print. If you want to find out more about the history of the societies and their affilliation with Bankside, click here.
Below you will find all current RWS and RE members - if you wish to find out more about a particular artist, simply click on their image and you will be directed to their biography and a selection of their works. If you would like to find out more about a particular artwork, you can make an enquiry using the 'Enquire' button. Please note that the selection of artworks on display are an example of members' work - not all artworks are available to purchase. Prices may vary.
To browse and buy available works by members of the RWS and RE, head to our Online Store here.
Ade Adesina RE
Emiko Aida RE
Jim Anderson RE
Raphael Appignanesi ARE
Margaret Ashman RE
Michelle Avison ARE
Robert Baggaley RE
Theadora Ballantyne-Way ARE
Denise Ballard-Wyllie ARE
Gerry Baptist RWS RE
Dale Devereux Barker RE
Mychael Barratt PPRE Hon. RWS
Jo Barry RE
Alex Beattie ARE
Melanie Bellis RE
June Berry RWS Hon. RE
Akash Bhatt RWS
Christie Bird RWS
Jeremy Blighton RE
Laura Boswell ARE
Dennis Roxby Bott RWS
Neil Bousfield RE
Francis Bowyer PPRWS Hon. RE
Kit Boyd ARE
Leonie Bradley RE
James Boyd Brent RE
Penny Brewill RE
Martyn Brewster ARE
Gail Brodholt RE
Janet Brooke RE
Ian Brown RE
Molly Brown Student RE
Meg Buick ARE
Liz Butler RWS
Corinna Button RE
Noah Carter Guest RWS
Daphne Casdagli RE
Paul Catherall RE
Ian Chamberlain RE
Emma Chambers ARWS
Jessica Jane Charleston Guest RWS
Chloë Cheese RWS
Merlyn Chesterman RE
Jione Choi Guest RWS
Sunnu Rebecca Choi Student RE
Christopher Clack ARE
Caroline McAdam Clark RWS
Austin Cole ARE
Lottie Cole ARWS
Michael Collins RWS
Julie D. Cooper RWS
Caroline Cornelius ARWS
Charlotte Cornish ARE
Jane Corsellis RWS
Bliss Coulthard Guest RWS
Richenda Court RE
Paul Cox RWS
Danielle Creenaune ARE
Paul Croft RE
John Crossley VPRWS
Grainne Cuffe ARE
Blaze Cyan RE
Claire Dalby RWS RE
Hilary Daltry RE
Louise Davies RE
Karen Daye-Hutchinson ARE
Dolores de Sade RE
Diarmuid Delargy RE
Claire Denny RWS
Anne Desmet RA RE
Justin Diggle RE
Holly Downing ARE
Morgan Doyle RE
Mykhailo Drimaylo ARE
John Duffin RWS RE
Meg Dutton RE
Olesya Dzhurayeva ARE
Ned Elliott Guest RWS
Gordon Ellis-Brown ARE
Mayumi Enoki ARE
Mark Entwisle RWS
Suzy Fasht RWS
Fernando Feijoo RE
Marianne Ferm RE
David Ferry PRE
Graham David Firth ARE
Peter Ford RE
Ros Ford RE
Fiona Fouhy ARE
Chloe Fremantle RWS
Colin Gale RE
Jonathan Gibbs ARE
Janet Golphin RWS
Raina Goran ARWS
Veta Gorner RE
Rachel Gracey RE
Carmen Gracia RE
Sarah Granville ARE
Mark Graver RE
Terence Gravett ARE
Terence Greaves RE
Phil Greenwood RE
Michelle Griffiths VPRE
Martin Grover ARE
Jemma Gunning RE
Isla Hackney RWS
Charlotte Halliday RWS
David Hamilton RWS
Brendan Hansbro ARE
Brian Hanscomb RE
Roger Harris RE
Brenda Hartill RE
Frances Hatch ARWS
Paul Hawdon RE
Louise Hayward RE
Ellie Hayward Student RE
Weimin He RE
Desmond Healy ARE
Julie Held RWS
Adrian Hemming ARE
Ben Hendy RE
Jason Hicklin RE
Sarah Holliday RWS
Stephen Hoskins RE
Sue Howells RWS
Yellon Ran Huang ARWS
Jim Hunter VPRWS
Jonathan Huxley RWS
Davina Jackson ARWS
H. J. Jackson RE
Wendy Jacob RWS
Martin Jacobs ARWS
Nicholas Jagger ARE
Howard Jeffs RE
Katherine Jones RA RWS RE
Rosamund Jones RE
Timothy Emlyn Jones RE
Olwen Jones RWS RE
Jean-Francois Jullien ARE
Carol Wilhide Justin ARE
Karen Keogh RE
Frank Kiely RE
Mbugua Kimani ARE
Peter Kirkilo ARE
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS
Sophie Knight RWS
Aga Kubish ARE
Linda Landers RE
Martin Langford RE
Stephen Lawlor RE
Peter Lawrence RE
Emma Lawrenson ARE
Bob Lawrie ARE
Ursula Leach RE
Antony Lee ARE
Sharon Lee RE
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE
Martin Leman RWS
Angie Lewin RWS RE
Jane Lewis RWS
David Lintine ARE
Libby Lloyd ARE
Peter Lloyd RE
Vanessa Lubach ARE
Anne Lynch RWS
Kate MacDonagh ARE
Alice MacDonald Guest RWS
Caroline Macey RE
Zelda Malan Guest RE
Gail Mallatratt ARE
Sasa Marinkov RE
Lucy Marks ARWS
Anne Marlow RWS
Alexi Marshall Guest RE
Sonia Martin RE
Kristen McClarty ARE
James McCreary ARE
Angus McEwan RWS
Fiona McIntyre ARE
Flora McLachlan RE
Sally McLaren RE
John McPake RE
Colin Merrin RWS
Michael Middleton RWS RE
Julia Midgley RWS RE
Martin Mitchell ARE
Bridget Moore RWS
Frederic Morris RE
Suzanne Moxhay ARE
Stephen Mumberson RE
Pilar Muñoz RE
Niall Naessens ARE
Rod Nelson ARE
John Newberry RWS
Rika Newcombe RWS
Jackie Newell RE
Lars Nyberg RE
Olivia Adamczyk O'Sullivan ARWS
Jo Okell ARE
Lars Palm ARE
David Paskett PPRWS Hon. RE
Hilary Paynter MBE PPRE Hon. RWS
Tessa Pearson ARWS
Sumi Perera RE
Melvyn Petterson RE
Howard Phipps ARE
Sioban Piercy RE
Simon Pierse RWS
Chris Pig ARE
Richard Pikesley RWS
Neil Pittaway RWS RE
Thomas Plunkett PPRWS Hon. RE
Trevor Price RE
Constanza Pulit Student RE
Salliann Putman RWS
Peter Quinn RWS
Mark Raggett RWS
Ian Rawlinson ARE
Simon Redington RE
Paul Regan RWS
David Remfry RA RWS
Nick Richards RE
Robin Richmond RWS
Martin Ridgwell RE
David Robertson ARE
Stuart Robertson RWS
Rodolfo Acevedo Rodriguez ARE
Sula Rubens RWS
Chris Salmon RE
Janet Sang ARE
Linda Saul RWS
Lucy May Schofield ARE
Margaret Sellars RE
Nana Shiomi RE
David Smith ARE
Serena Smith ARE
Peter S. Smith RE
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE
Tim Southall ARE
Andrew Stock RE
David Sully ARE
Pedro Suzuki Ursini Student RE
Isabella Tessier Student RE
Glynn Thomas RE
Tobias Till RE
Katya Timoshenko ARE
Ann Tout RE
Lisa Traxler RWS
Mei Chen Tseng ARE
George Tute RE
Edward Twohig RE
Ruth Uglow RE
Bren Unwin PPRE Hon. RWS
Jane Walker ARE
James Faure Walker RWS
Frans Wesselman RE
Charles Williams PRWS
Annie Williams RWS RE
Roy Willingham RE
Judy Willoughby RE
Joseph Winkelman PPRE Hon. RWS
David Wiseman ARWS
Wai Wong ARE
Sue Wyllie Student RE
Ruozhe Xue ARE
Ali Yanya ARE
Gertie Young RWS
Fouzia Zafar RE
Giulia Zaniol RE
Ruiyao Zhu Student RE