Arches I (Bankside)
August I
Bush with Two Kauris (black & white) New Zealand
Carters Sunset (Old Kent Rd)
College Cricket
Copper Elements IX
Copper Elements X
Copper Land I
Copper Land II
Golden Days Will Come Again II
Golden Glow III
Golden Glow VII, 2020
Golden July XI
Golden Land IV
Greenland IV
Hot July II
Islands in the Sun Remembered 2020
January I
July I
June II
June V
Ode to the Milwood (Old Kent Rd)
Olive Grove I (Corfu) (black & white)
Picnic on the Heath
Rising I
Sepia VIII
Silver Flash I
Silver Flash II
Silvered Land III
Silvered Spring
Silvered Spring V
Summer Elements II
Summers End
Sunshine I
Taking Off
The Heath
Trainscape IV Waterloo (B&W)
Udi I
Warm July III 2020